The Ninja Steve Retrospective

The following is a transcript of the video above. Enjoy the video as well as the script it was based off of! NARRATOR Well here we……
The following is a transcript of the video above. Enjoy the video as well as the script it was based off of! NARRATOR Well here we……
Image credit: Geralt via Pixabay, changed by Vimi "BitLanders C-Blogging: Artificial intelligence and our future" is my new……
Image credit: Geralt via PixaBay, changed by Vimi This is my new C-Blog for the AI-inspired project known as "BitLanders C-Blogging."……
Image credit: Origins Explained via YouTube, screenshot changed by Vimi This is my second C-Blog about artificial intelligence,……
Photo Credit: tookapic via Pixabay, Edition by Pamclamille for Some of us didn’t like the idea of studying……
Image credits: Hello everyone, this is my first blog post here, hope you enjoy it an please forgive me if……
video source: Marvel Entertainment Hello Bitlanders! Time for another movie review! This was a very popular Marvel movie and……
"Chappie" Offical Trailer video source: movieclipsTRAILERS Hello Bitlanders! Time to review a movie that honestly makes……
The future of wonders Credit: pelotte via Pixabay Internet, robots, interstellar travel, tablets and smartphones, hoverboards,……
Image Credits: Technology and advancement is the best game ever played by the human. Every day is……
We often plan out our years to come, in my 20 years of life never have i ever experienced something go exactly the way i wanted it……
Choice of a Right Career I am again here with another article. But this time, I have chosen a different topic which is the story……
According to Forbes, "by the end of the 2020s robots will be as ubiquitous as cellphones today," from robot receptionists to robot……
We as Muslims don't believe in evolution as we it's in our faith that Allah has created all living and non living things. But according……
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Being hurt inside seem like to be left alone in a corner……
1 little 2 little 3 little piggies, 4 little 5 little 6 little piggies, 7 little 8 little 9 little piggies, 10 little 11 little 12……
So in case you missed things, I uploaded a revamped version of my first GoAnimate series, Emina. I added new scenes, new dialog,……
Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility,……
New currency equal to Bitcoin. Earn 500,000 thousand Valorbit New currency.Free Valorbit ( can convert to BTC……
“Watch your thoughts, they become words;watch your words, they become actions;watch your actions, they become habits;watch your……
If only, there was a shortcut to becoming successful. but the reality of the world is that there isn't any, and I for one struggle……
Go for it now.The future is promised to no one. Wayne Dyer
Source: Google Now a days child abuse has become most horrible crime over all the world. Child abuse cause childhood trauma. Trauma……
Introduction About BitLanders WEB TV Channels Bitlanders is a social site where we can earn rewards by the various things i.e by posting……
Nike’s Activity Apprenticed ‘Back To The Future’ Shoes Will Be Attainable In 2016 YES PLS. I don’t……
As we all know that Bitcoins are the cryptocurrency that took the world by storm. Their prices gradually increased from 0 to 1500……
To create your tomorrow, go over your day when you are in bed tonight just before you fall asleep, and feel gratitude for the good……
The choice for a higher lifestyles is occasionally so massive that it makes human beings depart their countries and their families……
Finally, the moment that we're waiting for... We really want him to become our Next President! For the Better……
Hello everybody My name is Diem My. I participated bitlanders 2 months In addition to income earned here was a game to help me improve……
In 1950s, growth of digital gaming wast started as a project of computer science research. Now, after sixty five years, digital games……
that hot August 2011, Google bought Motorola Mobility and posed a future that could become manufacturer of Android-based smartphones.……
Is the new iPhone too big for you? Don't worry. Apple might have you covered next year. Apple could offer a third new iPhone option……
You might call it a kind of social movement: They call themselves, futurists. Futurists say they look at life with a perspective that……
Introduction Today the airplanes are safest than they ever were. In human history, the achievement of flight was one of the most considerable and……
"Brave New Worlds and dystopian nightmares" Science fiction emerged nearly 300 years ago during a time of great advances in science.……
Honestly speaking, I feel as though one of the most important and effective means through which one can improve one's life is to adopt……
I begin with name of Allah who is the most Rehman and raheem ..Assalam-o-Alaikum! My name is nadeem Ali and you can call me nadeem.……
There are times when I think about the first days when I got to love the passion I am following right now. I do it to get to feel……
If you are looking for a way to choose a career in life I have a few words of advice. I have made the best choice in my life when……
It is hard to forget people that brought you a lot of pain in your life. You just remember them and the things connected to those……
The BlackBerry Priv features a 5.4-inch display with curved edges, and it has a Quad HD resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. That puts……
Lahore, is projected to have a population of 13.03 million, making it the 27th most populous city by 2030 In the Next 15 years Karachi's…… Finance Careers A Constant As needed in The Future Your choice to have a financing job could be a beginning……
Money Careers A Continuous Need in The Future Your choice to have a financing profession could be a beginning of something……
Financing Careers A Constant As needed in The Future Your choice to have a financing profession could be a beginning of something……
Unemployment is a very serious problem in the developing countries of the world. It is certainly adding to economic difficulties in……
In a step closer to developing artificial intellect, Russian scientists have created a physical model of a brain that is able to educate……
"Robots are becoming more advanced and human-like as enormous amounts of money are spent on development, including by the military.……
Future currency of the world will be the digital currency, it mean this is the rise of digital currency.
When I was offered in 2009 year mining of bitcoin, I thought it was too weird and complicated and turned the offer down. Today I realize……
Fastest in the world electric car from Croatia thank you all my dear fan for visiting my blog.
Overview makes the internet accessible to more people by providing them access to a range of free basic services. Through……
In some corners of the Internet - where topics such as the collapse of the global monetary system or runaway inflation are the stuff……
Its important that you do your due diligence about the future of money because the Digital Currency Age has arrived! Digital……
The Livelihood is based on nature is some kind of a way for the disaster of the reason forests. But in the same time, some people……
Wo mujhey dekhta tha toh yun lagta tha jese main bani hi us kay dekhnay kay liye hun. Mujhy shoaq tha uska, mujhy uski wo chah thi……
I've been working with Ngorli for several years and this was my first trip to Africa. I have to admit being there was the most wonderful……
Life Line 1. Here's what we called "The Life Line" it simply starts from the top of your palm, between the thumb & the index……
he only future you have is within you, that ability that GOD gave to to make a change. There will be no future if you do not change……
Here's an interesting concept about future airplanes discussing available technologies and a very nice design with all of them included.……
Shona would give her soul to people. She would care the whole world for others but only in a certain way. She was a great friend.……
I hope this will serve as a reminder to every parent out there. What your children see and hear from you have a great impact on molding……
Rather than doing this as a series of microblogs, I thought I'd just collect all of the thoughts buzzing in my head for a single post……
My identity is hiding somewhere in the kitchenWhere destiny told me to be.I don’t know where it isIf you look for itMaybe you……
EMGOLDEX specializes in the buying and selling of investment gold bars of different value. Our investment gold is procured and provided……
What do you think of when it appears the word business? must have an established business with its own costs, manage to create financial……
Watch this detailed video on Rolls Royce unmanned cargo ships! It is amazing how detail oriented it is!
emotional chaotic art film on war, brands and empires. perceived by an infected Bird. Watch on Youtube
I'm graduating soon. And in my head, thoughts were like, what am I going to do? Where am I going to apply to? Too many thoughts, but……
I’ll confess from the outset to being a great fan of making something from scratch. From my early years as a textile student……
In 2016, mobile phone SIM card will be completed 25 years of existence. Thus our sovereignty loaded mobile phone sets, the subscriber……
Keep Yourself Busy: Being alone will not help you at this moment. You must keep yourself involved in some kinds of works. If……
In a future ware the internet is more than enough to make video calls, search the……
Work online for ever doing what you are doing now or take this opportunity to work now and build your future successful business.……
Hahaha oo Future in-laws talaga! Self proclaimed na to bakit ba! Sa almost 5 years ng pagging in a relationship namin ni boyfie, marami……
maafkanLah ayahmu ini yg sangat mengidoLakan john fitzgeraLd kennedy&francis scott key fitzgeraLd sehingga terpaksa bercita2 memberi……
We've always said that we're going to need people to be janitors and garbage collectors, but how true is this, really? With the advent……
Quaid-e-Azam '' Education is a matter of……
If you have saved something, then you have something to spend in the future. My sister asked me earlier for money. I don’t……
Pay attention !--- KeepYouth ! What on earth the time is , how our minds work, and so forth is mysterious……
A moment of glory called evolutionCould I see the world with the eyes of a childA new begining, a moment of freedomLike angles are……
I must admit and no resistance in our life that we cannot leave the money today, how to live ours wanting ideal free life……
I have read this from Lhai-Alvarez' blog Firstly, I don't believe in horoscope. I believe that we make our own choices.……
Afghanistan, for the new year let's collectively make a commitment to stop Child Marriages-- your silence can make a difference not……
In the thick fog .. A shining light in the distance .. Uncertain and will certainly, before the night is over .. You can reach the……
Jacque Fresco is an american futurist and a huge supporter of what is known as a resource based economy. Born in 1916, Fresco now……
People always think and think. Nobody will stop us from thinking but of course we should probably thinking before we left this world...……
Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past……
We are at a day and age now where modern phones have now taken over the classic telephones you used to see in the 60s. It was once……
Greater Than the Past TODAY’S SCRIPTURE“ ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the……
Waiting For My Love I waited for her with tears in my eyesand stayed until I couldn’t see the starsat last to bed I went with……
But Still I am Worried i am lucky to witness the sparkling nature,the shiny sky and its marvelous creature.!but still i am worried!the……
Happiness comes from within and is found in the present moment by making peace with the past and looking forward to the future.
After a long silence I decided it was time to longer laid something on my blog that blanketed dust. I'm the same. People are always……
To let go isn’t to forget, not to think about, or ignore. It doesn’t leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret. Letting……
The world’s darling search engine , Google, has developed a brand new operative system known as Chrome. It mechanically connects……
I have been so insensitive, and so blinded with dismay.I have regretted all the unplanned decisions I've made in my life which will……
Did you wait for your future or did you wait for your soul mate what is the better soulmate or future.
Hey everybody, as you can guess, I am pretty new here, I have seen many profiles here and I can guess that most of the users are pretty……
Do not kill your baby because baby is Allah (God) gifted. And baby can help you in future.
Dare to be a part of a unique fusion of classic and modern. Revive 90's understated glamour by pairing classic cuts with the latest……
The cars of tomorrow won’t need steering wheels, an accelerator or a brake pedal; they’re autonomous and don’t require……
Real visions of the future can manipulate the approach of perception, if the viewer cannot distinguish between the current sate of……
Please watch the intro video on Roya Mahboob the pioneer behind our platform Examer Company Limited in Saint Lucia now helping in……
Neurological alignment of the subconscious mind. This is a work in Progress of a film that will depict your future...
Les études servent pour le plaisir, pour ornement, et pour la capacité. Leur……
Source: IamSatoshi Simon Dixon, co-founder of the equity crowd-funding platform Bank To The Future and author of the book Bank To……
Enjoy pictures from EPP ASSAGBAKOPE Primary School in Togo. This school is located 60 kilometers from Togo's Capital LOME. The……
Source: IamSatoshi Brett Scott, author of The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money (sold for Bitcoin),……
Advanced truth – Synopsis Advanced Truth is a Film depicting “The Nature of Things” – visualizing the subconscious……
Source: IamSatoshi Book For You? Post-Crisis Adventures in Financial Subversion. The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking……
Overpopulation occurs when the number of species exceeds the normal capacity.It is the major cause of most of the world's problems.Human……
Last Friday July 11th, 2014 was the graduation of Mano Amiga de Chalco class of 2014, forty students finished their highschool……
The wave of life can be described as the fact that time never remains the same. As a wave consist of crest and trough, similarly……
Trust that the future will be well. That any difficulties will be resolved and that your dreams will be realized. We all create our……
Hey everyone! I hope you are having a great day. I want you all to know that I have some really cool articles coming up on this blog……
So for my university 3rd year solo project, I'm going to do a series of models and turnarounds of a construction company based a century……
Mustaq ahmed is selected as a spinning coach of pakistan team. The lanki leg spinner is most successful leg spinner of Pakistan. He……
My basic qualification for a movie is: show me something I haven’t seen before. In X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, a character drops……
The present-day electronic computer was developed during the 20th century. During this time computers began to run on electrical power.……
Some people hold the view that emotion must be given priority than logic. when it comes to making decisions, those who decide emotionally,……
Sì, sono un po' in ritardo, ma sono stata impegnata a preparare un articolo per Russian Cosmo. È strano, ma i Russi……
Yes, I know it's not that current, but I've been pretty busy preparing an article for Russian Cosmo. That's weird but Russians are……
Working and having activities which are the aims to have a prosperous life is appreciable, especially for the holly duties for country……
La scorsa settimana ho partecipato all'evento Invent Your Future Enterprises a Silicon Valley. È stata una grande opportunità……
Last week, I participated in the Invent Your Future Enterprises event in the Silicon Valley. It was a great opportunity for me to……
"I film non devono preoccuparsi." E se lo dice Aaron Sorkin, allora deve essere vero. Lunedì notte Aaron Sorkin, lo sceneggiatore……
"Film doesn't have to worry." If Aaron Sorkin says so, then it has to be true. On Monday night, Aaron Sorkin, the Academy and……
It could get a lot worse for director Bryan Singer! And to top it off, his "X-Men: Days of Future Past" is opening in just a……
You dream to become a sportsman….……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of……
Ukraine is under destruction.Many of the states are broken as quick as a 201st century melting ice.Russia on one side America……
Africa is a continent were more than nine hundred million people reside. The natural resources found in Africa are very dynamic. I……
Hey guys, how’s everything? The title written above is somewhat obscure. I mean you may not get the idea of this short article……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of a previous……
Don't like reading? You can watch me talk about this on my YouTube channel! Click on Beyoné to go watch it. #5……
CAUTION: POSSIBLE SPOILERS Pietro Maximoff is one of Marvel comics' most interesting characters. He is the bastard son of Magneto……
New posters for Bryan Singer´s X-Men: Days of Future Past have come online, featuring Iceman, Colossus, Kitty Pride, Blink and……
Check out these new posters released today by 20th Century Fox, for their upcoming film X-Men: Days of Future Past, returning Bryan……
(Janet Perlman animating on the cabin porch in the Quebec countryside near Bolton-Est, Quebec) With the upcoming internet launch……
So early last week i invested in a new camera just a simple budget suitable canon 1000d and i'm considering producing my own photography……
Film Annex Film Annex pays individuals for the social media they create and share! Film Annex is a completely……
William Wordsworth in his famous poem “The Rainbow” said : “Child is the father of Man”. The persons……
Lets face it the 80's were awesome ! it was a time were the movies were great, the music was good, and everything was just.....right.……
English is the international language and it has great importance in Pakistan because it is the official language and English was……
Little Babes are the Future of a Nation ……
Here is a thought for you………. What is the greatest computer MAC & PC?How about the huge mainframe computer……
All records have a security aspect. Most people are sensitive about how much they earn and do not want all their colleagues to share……
We know that education is our based of life and its make our future and also build our personality. Education is an important……
TRICKS OF GETTING A GOOD JOB PART 6 (Last Part) Competence: ……
The Interview As it is stated that “First impression is the last impression”, therefore when you go for interview……
It is fact that the first day of college life and the last day of college are always important moments of life every College. Because……
A new batch of pictures have been released by 20th Century Fox, from their upcoming film X-Men: Days of Future Past, directed by Bryan……
Check out these new pictures released today by 20th Century Fox from their upcoming film X-Men: Days of Future Past. X-Men: Days of……
Any person not knows the future of anything so who live in Pakistan and live another country not know the future of Pakistan. Anyone……
AFghan men expect uneducated mothers to raise educated children. But how it can be possible? This is an important……
We can communicate with other people with many different ways . We can talk and write like we can send messages with our hands and……
More than 90% or world's opium production comes from Afghanistan. Opium price has steadily increased during the……
Turn back the pages of your life book and use the contains for today and for your future, this is a key of success. Turning to past……
College life is most important part of our life. It is golden time which we spend in college. This time we can never forget in our……
FilmAnnex took a so-called landmark and a great step to introduce Bitcoin as its only currency they will pay in. Many of people did……
Just a little love ……
Life is Complex of pain , sadness and always hops but unfinished , it's all good, life is everything but not everyone has to……
I made good friends in I have spent a good time in school life when I was in 9th class. I have good memories about my school life.……
One of the best place where people live under the ground is a small and best town called Coober Pedy. Coober……
It is always a hassle complaining about faulty or unsatisfactory purchases or services. You must obviously write a letter since a……
So this is going to be the first in a mini-series I want to do, revolving around reviewing the trailers of upcoming films ... Obviously……
Find the job that’s right for you ? Introduction: nearly 50% of all workers have jobs they aren’t happy with don’t……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
I feel very fortunate I teach in a school that is culturally diverse, and open to different socio-economic backgrounds. My school's……
Check out this new picture from the upcoming film: X-Men: Days of Future Past, featuring Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy……
Afghanistan has been ranked on third number country with lowest literacy rate,two countries Chad and Burkina Faso lagging behind Afghanistan……
With almost three decades of war in Afghanistan,youth of Afghanistan has been deprived of basic education and platform where they……
sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs……
Punctuality is the key of success.The person who is more punctual will be more successful in life.Punctuality is a habit that makes……
Days and months pass to begin a new year and involves another year with its memories (Painful and beautiful) Which have had a significant……
I am 21 years old guy and I had spent my childhood with good memories. The childhood came and gone. Now I am a young boy. When I feel……
Stop wandering around and start focusing on your future First of all I have to apologize to some of the readers who will take this……
In this blog I will tell you that life is not an illusion.It is a reality.We should neither run after joys nor run away from from……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
In this blog I will compare two boys and their future having opposite natures.These two boys are Robert and Berton.Robert was horrible,terrible……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
This blog is for all those peoples and specially for young generation who is afflicted with doubts and disappointed about the future……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
This man had a great sense of humor in the most common satiations. In each situation he was able to see the funny things. From young……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
In our society Afghan women enjoying being told precisely what to do and how to do it, or would you rather work things out by yourself,……
على عكس بعض الصور النمطية القديمة، الالعاب ليست شيئ فارغ مضيع للوقت. الالعاب……
Part one; Peshawar the center of Khyber pashtonkhowa state of Pakistan country which called the center of Pashto music, now it’s……
Education in its basic definition is a form of learning of Knowledge, Skills and habits, is the most important part of the Human Race.……
As I told and mentioned at the first part of this topic, that it would be continued in two parts, this is the second and the last……
The important decision that I had in my life was about my major in university. When I was child I wanted to be a filmmaker. I know……
During the time, improvement in science and technology made our life more comfortable in compare with when our grandparents were child.……
When you are child, you dream your future every day and night. You think all the time about what you are going to do when you grow……
Women’s education in Pakistan is a pressing issue as it is in any modern society. The education of youth plays a vital role……
You know My time in this world is limited But the things that I can do with that time Are not -Jeb Corliss I As I get older……
Get ready and get used to the future with the convergence of robotics, motor vehicles and law enforcement aka the autonomous……
Do you believe in American Karma or Buddhist Karma? We often use the concept of karma interchangeably with the meaning of luck.……
Robots are and have been taking over jobs. Now what? According to Wired Magazine, automation creates hundreds or millions of……
Sunday 1 September 2013 Middle aged nudity. That’s just what the teenage Kumar doesn’t want to see. Unfortunately,……
I want to pour out the reality that the carrier of boys is much more important than carrier of girls. Boys carrier is very important……
جوان یعنی یکی مثل من و تو که با شور و هیجان است، دنیا را با دستانش میخواهد……
The first time I went to Afghanistan as a 19-year-old American college student, I fell in love. Even though I lived in a neighborhood……
انتخابات افغانستان از راه میرسد، کاندیدا ها خود شان را ثبت نام می کنند،……
Oh dirty mind! You won't see America's current sweetheart, Jennifer Lawrence, in full naked glory! Of course, she'll……
Yesterday I read a news in facebook about a girl who has stolen more than one million dollars from Azizi Bank. She was one of the……
This question asked us a lot in young age was our answers : a doctor, a businessman , engineer, pilot, artist , but these professions……
Thursday 1 August 2013 The man and his youthful ward stand at the top of Hampstead Heath. It is three o’clock in the afternoon.……
لیونل مسی فٹبال کےدیوتا گردانے جاتےہےـ کئی ریکاڈر ٹوٹتے جاتے ہیں جب……
Let’s paint a picture of the future that involves robots helping your lovely nana or grandpapa around the house, reminding……
I was watching a program on the Discovery Channel and one of the programs mentioned a new rise in the creation of underwater……
I believe I have come across one of the greatest retail stores out there when it comes to being eco-conscious, focusing on sustainability.……
We are back on the film festival track with the New York Film Festival and its recent line-up announcement. Women are well represented……
In her brief interview, Soraya Afzali is adamantly optimistic about her vision for the future of Afghanistan. It was inspiring to……
Introduction: When friends first told me about a brilliant, hip Afghan-Canadian female pop singer who was winning……
وقت بدلتا ہے اور یہ صرف ایک کہاوت ہے۔ آج کل میں ایک سکول میں پڑھا رہی ہوں۔……
Egypt is a country where government stabilization……
It was midnight when I woke up out of fear, I could not breath, my heart was beating so fast that I could clearly hear its pumping,……
Looking back at your own childhood, I’m sure you can think of at least one robot that was very memorable and left an impact……
Bryan Singer just Tweeted a photo of himself with a full size Sentinel from the upcoming "X-Men: Days of Future Past" movie. ……
Miss Mykie formally of the BET show 106 & Park stopped by The Lab NYC to chat with Arthur Kade. She tells us that after leaving……
Like most awesome kids, I remember watching Dragon Ball Z aka DBZ as a child practically religiously. And like the awesome kid that……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
Continuing the themes, experimental cinema what is it? Image from A Field in England website,……
One of the greatest positive outcomes from the environmental crisis in relation to climate change is the large investment into……
Developing countries defined as country which growing relatively low standards of living, those country with low level……
جب میں ہائی سکول میں پڑھتا تھا مجھے یاد ہے ہماری مہینے میں دو بار کمپیوٹر……
Education provides people with the bricks necessary to built homes of knowledge, confidence and competency. It's the ultimate investment……
When I was in high school I remember having twice a month a "computer class" that was part of our Physics laboratory curriculum. I……
Recently, most African regions including Sub-Saharan Africa, demonstrated a positive……
Introduction: Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal is a documentary filmmaker from Kabul. He is becoming a prominent voice and……
Автор: Кили Шея Смит С 1 мая 2013 года, выпускники-бакалавры искусств дизайна……
Our creative capacity is not entirely dependent on that of our parents – and theirs from their own parents and so on –……
BY: Keely-Shea Smith On May 1, 2013, the graduating Bachelor of Arts Fashion Design students presented their final collections in……
Introduction: Leena Alam لينا علم ……
The end of 2012 has revealed, for the first time in modern history, that Asia has become the richest region of the world, according……
People can bring positive change in the situation, and still have not lost since. But all disappointed and silent and the silence……
: 2001 was the first years of Afghanistan after going out of Taliban from Afghanistan, in that time I can remember that every thing……
Lionel Messi is the God of soccer. Long-standing records have been falling like domino pieces since he started his professional career.……
Last week, the film industry lost one of its most famous film critics. Roger Joseph Ebert worked at the Chicago Sun-Times for 45 years……
Introduction: This is the fourth in a series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American adventurer,……
Afghanistan is one of coldness countries which surrounded by mainland and about 80 percent of Afghanistan's land is wilderness and……
Times change, and it's not just a saying. I am currently teaching in a school, but I remember very well when I used to sit on the……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
Storm returns!Speaking to Jay Leno in "The Tonight Show," Halle Berry confirmed that she would be donning her Storm costume again……
Opium is a drug obtained from the poppy plant Pavaper Somniferum. Since it contains about 12% morphine, it's used in medicine……
Mary Shelley could not know, while she was writing the tale of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster one night in 1816, that she was seeing……
Every place in the world, every people, every culture imaginable has, is and always will produce music. Humans have always felt the……
The war in Afghanistan has been going on for 11 1/2 years. Before the US entered the country looking for Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan……
I play guitar. I'm not a great musician, to any stretch of the imagination, but I've been actively involved in music all my life.……
by Jasmine Davis Laurent Gillieron/EPA, via Landov The World Economic Forum in Davos this year is largely centered around economic……
by Jasmine Davis Photo by Roya in conjunction with the Afghan Women's Writing Project. The Afghanistan literacy rate of 28%……
It's now 2013 and the conversations are moving towards the Post-2014, NATO withdrawal and the Future of Afghanistan. I am looking……
The future of Afghanistan could very well be seen in Connie Duckworth’s Afghanistan-based company, Arzu Rugs. Duckworth, who……
In latest hundred years Afghan girls destination have got many vicissitudes. Afghan girls had terrible condition in Afghanistan. They……
Dear Planet Earth: You complete me. Disclaimer: I am a firm believer that the world ISN'T going to end. I needed a laugh and wanted……
Let’s go back a decade and remind ourselves of what Afghanistan was like then. It was the regime of Taliban- a period when human……
Last night I had the priveledge of attending a forum created by Professor Susan Scafidi of the Fashion Law Institute at……
Take part in this Monday (September 24, 2012) meeting Special Ministerial Meeting at the United Nations via social media with the……
The Afghan Development Project is on a mission to ensure that the children, men, and women to have the opportunity to receive the……
HELLO :) ....This blog is going to explain the first stages to my new stop motion animation. I am going to record the making of it……
You might not know it, but the future of television is at stake. Okay, so maybe saying that is a little melodramatic. There is nothing……
You can now contribute your vision in pictures of the “Future We Want” in advance of the Rio+20 Conference. In……
July 2010. Myanmar. It's an unbearably hot and muggy day, and as I climb the steps toward Shwedagon Pagoda, the holiest shrine……
“When we are able to find personal stories that documentaries do very, very well; and illuminate for people the conditions [of]……
We're proud to announce our animated short 'Pimp My Planet' was selected by AEtuts+ to showcase on their website. Aetuts+ is a popular……