The Ninja Steve Retrospective

The following is a transcript of the video above. Enjoy the video as well as the script it was based off of! NARRATOR Well here we……
The following is a transcript of the video above. Enjoy the video as well as the script it was based off of! NARRATOR Well here we……
Image credits: Docxdrl via Bitlanders Venom Movie Review: He’s not the kind of hero you see every day The fans of……
Video credits: 20th Century Fox via Youtube Image source: IMDB The movie Dead Pool 2: An MCU success……
Are you a fan of fantasy shows? Do you know about this classic American TV show? If you're not a fan then let me tell you more about……
5-Superman:He is in this place because, presents him as an omnipotent being, who can do everything, but I love the work they are doing……
Guys I told you I would write about my favourite current series, so here it is "the Flash" yes, the second season started last month……
Este gran heroe es originario de el planeta tierra , trabajaba en una compania industrial farmaceutica se llamaba rem el tenia un……
La historia de este super heroe va mas halla de la realidad y despues de buscar el bien mundial viajo por 198700989878787900 de galaxias……
His father was a famous biochemist who was employed at a zoo to the shores of the sea Bacalar as his mother. When he was born pipe……
Su padre era un famoso bioquímico que trabajaba en un zoológico a las orillas del mar Bacalar al……
Aquel cerdito que recibió poderes por el científico no sabía qué hacer, estaba confundido. De regreso……
Ciela es mi superheroina, ella siempre esta feliz, pero últimamente esta muy decaída, porque el mundo está muy……
El no es un heroe normal pero tampoco cualquier persona, sin embargo sus poderes derivan de algo mas grande, su gran fe y voluntad……
Super Denti Este pequeño molar vivía en una ciudad donde habían muchos habitantes sanos y todo en la ciudad……
Nathair Ella es un poco alocada y no le teme a nada ella desde pequeña era supera ágil como una serpiente también……
Barry Parker is the real name of the superhero who everyone calls it ... Shuper panda! He was an ordinary panda, with an ordinary……
Mr. bacon o commonly named Lucio, he used to be a normal guy, which attended to the University for the mornings, and later he……
This is the story of a girl named Sofia, this girl was born into a close-knit and very beautiful family, hes parents had made first-time……
We often see superheroes like Superman, Batman and their likes fighting the evil guys and saving the innocent people and sometimes……
Super puerquito era un cerdo común hasta que un día fue encontrado por un científico que experimento un extraño……
Getty You may have read about Roya Mahboob when the Afghani women's rights pioneer was chosen as one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential……
Una tarde en un laboratorio de una universidad en México se encontraba una alumna trabajando en su proyecto final de química,……
That is my mom, my best friend and my number 1 enemy because she is my 1st destruction, she always gets me down, she always……
"A woman superhero is someone who finds her way in whatever challenges she faces in the life and always cares about……
Francesco Rulli, President of MTI USA inc, founder of bitLanders, Film Annex and Women's Annex Foundation recently……
"Do or do not, there is no try." ……
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible." ……
"One kind act can help change the world, and that’s what superheroes do everyday" ……
Part One This is Part Two of A New Day In The Eyes Of Afghan Superheroes. Below is the second drawing that I based this……
El caballero oscuro, la leyenda renace, es el resultado de un espectáculo visual de principio a fin, acompañado……
Avengers is one of the best and super hit movies of all times. In this many superhero characters were brought together and and you……
A year ago the world was introduced to the glory and heroism of the greatest hero of all, Mega Power Man. Was he truly the most……
Marvel has just released the first trailer for its much anticipated movie "Guardians of The Galaxy". This is a new path or comic book……
This may not be a surprise to you, as we've seen Vin Diesel making tests for mo-cap and talking about playing Groot in Marvel's……
The teaser trailer has been officially released and you can view it from the link below. "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" will be in theaters……
Its official ! Wonder Woman will be appearing in the upcoming Man of Steel Sequel and the Amazon princesses will be played by "Fast……
10月24号的晚上,我拜访了一些住在布鲁克林的好朋友,Cecile 和 Nicolas Heron。 Nicolas 是一位科学家,音乐家和魔术师。我们度过了一个美好的夜晚,我们谈谈生活里发生的事,看他玩卡片展现魔术技巧。在我们谈到有关智慧时,我提及了我所遵循的规则:“当您是房间里最聪明的人的时候,那么您就走错了房间!(If……
来自阿富汗的好消息! 昨天 Elaha Mahboob 跟我提及了有关 Examer电影计划(Examer Film Project)的最新动态:……
Leela Corman ha studiato pittura, incisione e illustrazione al Massachusetts College of Art. A seguire trovate una sua intervista……
Leela Corman studied painting, printmaking and illustration at Massachusetts College of Art. Below is an interview of her on the concept……
來自阿富汗的好消息! 昨天 Elaha Mahboob 跟我提及了有關Examer電影計劃(Examer Film Project)的最新動態:……
10月24號的晚上,我拜訪了一些住在布魯克林的好朋友,Cecile 和 Nicolas Heron。Nicolas 是一位科學家,音樂家和魔術師。我們度過了一個美好的夜晚,我們談談生活裡發生的事,看他玩卡片展現魔術技巧。在我們談到有關智慧時,我提及了我所遵循的規則:……
Fantastiche notizie dall'Afghanistan! Ecco quello che Elaha Mahboob mi ha scritto ieri: Ciao Francesco, le riprese del progetto nelle……
Fantastic news from Afghanistan! Here is what Elaha Mahboob wrote me yesterday: Ciao Francesco, The filming part of the project is……
Hai mai sognato di essere un supereroe o una supereroina? Chi era il tuo supereroe preferito quando eri bambino? La Marvel Comic……
Have you ever dreamed of being a superhero/heroine? Who was your favorite Superhero character from your childhood? Marvel is an American……
A superhero is a type of stock or comic character possessing extraordinary powers and dedicated to protecting the public. One……
We can all remember that moment in childhood when we go on vacation to a swimming pool or even to a public pool with some of……
The insect world has a funny way of making an impact on us, specifically stick insects that have multiple cool qualities than……
Who is your favorite superhero? superman? spiderman? Captain America? Green Lantern? Iron man? well, I admire Batman. Why……
What was your childhood dream growing up? What costume did you flaunt on Halloween? I was usually a clown with some crazy colorful……
I need to establish a few things before I start to talk about The Avengers. First and foremost, I've been a Joss Whedon fan……